Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Spiritual Magazine

The Kingdom of God is within you...Thine eye be single,thy whole body shall be full of light'.The real import of same revelations of Jesus is materialized within by the grace of his Holiness.He blesses people with Brahm Gyan. With the opening of the Divine Eye,one sees the beautiful Kingdom of God within.Be it known that Guru does not belong to any area,sect,or religion.Jesus was born in Bethlehem,but,today,people all across the world worship Him. Brahm Gyan is universal truth.”

Having listened to such profound thoughts of great practical possibilities,the duality in my mind vanished.The pairs of opposites merged to form a cohesive union within.The darkness had to depart with the sunrise!

After receiving the holy message,my son and daughter-in-law were blessed with Brahm Gyan first.They had extraordinary divine experiences.

The thought process and the personality of my son went thought remarkable positive changes.Upon witnessing such an evolution in him and after listening to the experiences he narrated,I my daughter,my mother and others,all 10 in number,got encouraged to take to path of Brahm Gyan.

When I was bestowed with this Divine Knowledge with the benign grace of His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji. I also had heavenly experiences.Apart from the colorful,sparkling light,twinkling stars,I saw the Divine Eye,the flowing river,the roaring waterfall.I also heard the invigorating sound of the water-spray,the slow music from the piano...-all within my inner-world! The most important experience was fully recharged.

For more details visit us: https://www.djfoundation.co/

Monday, February 15, 2016

Akhand jyoti magazine subscription

Divya Jyoti Foundation is one of the best spiritual organization here we organize Meditation,Bhajans and we teach about spiritual life,we have magazine called Akhand  jyoti magazine subscription through online.

Choice is yours

Revered Master,our Holy scriptures refer to the two paths of life-shreya and preya.What is the meaning of these two paths?kindly throw light upon this.

Shreya means that which is nobel and superior,which is benedictory.Now,the prime goal of human life is to realize  and attain God.The path that takes one to the fulfillment of this most noble and superior aim of life is the can tread after becoming initiated into Brahm Gyan(Divine knowledge) by the grace of satguru(perfect master)-this is what the path of shreya is.

However,quite countrary to it is the path of preya.Preya implies that which is only superficially alluring;which seems to be attractive,but,in fact,it is not! Preya only assures us of imparting happiness but,in fact,is unable to grant the same.For instance, a man thinks that if he possesses a car,a palatial house,etc.,then he will be happy.To achieve the same,he endeavours hard by treading the Preya Marg. However,whats is final consequence? Despite hoarding all these entities,he fails to be the partaker of peace and happiness.On the contrary,he is filled with grief and distress to an extent much more than before.

Thus,it can be said that the route of preya is equivalent to a mirage.What's a mirage?It is merely an illusion.A deer wandering in a desert feels that there is a pool of water some distance a head.Agitated due to thirst,it instantly runs at its fastest towards that pool of water and reaches there in no time.But ,how pitiable!What and reaches there in no time.But how pitiable!What does it find upon reaching there?Nothing !Only the particles of sand! In fact,when the sun's rays fall on sand particles of sand! In fact,when the sun's rays fall on sand !

In fact,when the sun's rays fall on sand particles,from a distance, a deer feels as if water is awaiting it.In the same fashion ,the path of preya greatly allures a man in the beginning.It Pretends to be the source of happiness and peace.

For more details visit us: https://www.djfoundation.co/

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Akhand jyoti magazine subscription

The Rhythmic Ballet of Vibration-Energy

In the beginning was the word,the word was with God,the word was God. You can buy our monthly magazine, akhad jyoti magazine subscription

This 'word' that the Bible extols is the primordial vibration from which everything ranging from the microcosmic to the macro cosmic,originated.The same cosmic vibration,intensified with different frequencies and various other attributes assumed varying shapes and structures,and henceforth,there bloomed forth the whole creation It can be said that everything is a solidified vibration.Even our bodies and minds are different types of intensified vibration-forms.

Through at the surface level,the human body appears to be composed of solid matter,which can be easily disintegrated into cells,molecules, and by quantum physics,every atomic particles is more than 99.9999% empty,consisting of nothing but a void,a space.Its is in and through this space that vibration-energy flows at lighted at lightning speed.

Every atom owns its unique vibration-energy,which in fact is a coded set of instruction-energy,which in fact is a coded set of instructions for its functioning and development.Accordingly,the vibration-energy for an oxygen atom is different from that of a carbon atom.Thus,in addition to their substantial atomic or molecular forms depicted as a by their chemical compositions or formulas,every atom or molecule of an element can also be depicted as a unique bundle of vibrations.On the same ground,each cell in the human body possesses its unique code of vibrations depicting its properties as well as functions.That's why function performed by a brain cell differs from that of a heart cell,which further differs from a lung cell,and so an.Accordingly,the body cells in different organs are involved in their respective functions.for instance,those in lungs are busy in carrying out the inhalation and exhalation of breathing process;those in heart,in pumping the blood;those in kidney,in filtering the waste products etc etc.

For more details visit us: https://www.djfoundation.co/

Monday, February 8, 2016

About Spiritual Life

Today,every single day,we do our work with the confusion that whether it will move in the right way or not.If we fall into failure and lose coveted opportunities after our hard days'toil,then the sole reasons for this is our dis orientation from one of the two above mentioned parameters of success.At times,we put in lots of efforts but do not keep ourselves attuned to the all-graceful source.At other times,we try to test the divinity with our  inaction and dullness.The result in both the cases is predictable-either complete failure or dissatisfaction towards what is achieved!Not only this,efforts without divine grace may have adverse effects in terms of excessive ego and greed.Thus,Only when efforts in terms of excessive ego and greed.Thus,only when efforts are graced with divinity can we experience the true essence of success and life!

For more details visit us: https://www.djfoundation.co/

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

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In today's world,when a person becomes tired or disillusioned,he looks for comfort and support from another person-may be a friend or a close relative.The irony is that the person who is expected to stand by em-pathetically is disillusioned himself.This is analogous to recharging a discharged battery with another battery with a very little charge.Only when we connect the discharged battery to the mains can we expect it to get charged properly!Similarly,no human can give our efforts the winning edge which divine grace can!

But a question which hits our logical minds at times is-Is there any assurance of divine grace?'

In other words,can we say with us if and when we make sincere efforts?To this,the answer is YES! Divine grace is assured when one puts in his honest and sincere efforts.A divine intervention invisibly and constantly occurs along with all our sincere efforts.This is the rigorous law of nature that every positive and sincere action attracts divine grace,even if it is unasked for.The only requisite is that we are connected to divinity within and without. 

In the Mahabharata, shri krishna initiated Arjuna into Divine Knowledge by showing him the true face of God within in the form of Divine Light.Thereafter,He instructed him to fight for thr truth.Since Arjuna received divine grace in the form of knowledge and also adhered to the karmic instructions of Lord Krishna in toto,there was no scope of his getting confused or lost in the battlefield.Lord krishna made him,and through him entire humanity,understand the importance of both self-efforts and divine grace.

For more details purchase spiritual and monthly magazine from https://www.djfoundation.co/

Monday, February 1, 2016

Online bhajans cd's and dvd's in Chandigarh

Online Indian Devotional Songs cd's
1. Bhajans helps to remember the gods name with love.

2. If you Sing bhajan with Bhaava ie  inner feeling, else, If not, all the activity of Bhajans is will be useless.
What benefit you will get if  you sing or hear Bhajans?

Bhajans makes very good feeling and also it feels some kind of divine. Bhajan singing makes the heart cherished.The main important thing it should get spiritual feel from the heart. Bhajan is not all about rhythm, it is tune and beat. Here you have to sing God’s name with love. You will see the indication of divinity in your eyes with physical existence when you sing HIS dignity with love. Sing from inner HEART. This is the only way to get god presence into your HEART.

Bhaava (inner feeling) is the ultimate feel of purest and most perfect form of Bhajan singing. The heart of the God is like a "soft butter". Any how it  melts like a soft butter, we need to show the affection of Bhakthi and devotion expression through inner feeling. Only a Bhajan are sung with full Bhaava this can melt the heart of the God. It is the cry of enthusiast with deep hunger for the lord.It makes the lord  to run to the relief of HIS followers? It will effect to your inner Bhaava.

 Ice will take some time to melt but lord's heart melts spontaneously when you chant  with HIS name with lots love.

For more details visit us: https://www.djfoundation.co/audio/bhajans/