The Rhythmic Ballet of Vibration-Energy
In the beginning was the word,the word was with God,the word was God. You can buy our monthly magazine, akhad jyoti magazine subscription
This 'word' that the Bible extols is the primordial vibration from which everything ranging from the microcosmic to the macro cosmic,originated.The same cosmic vibration,intensified with different frequencies and various other attributes assumed varying shapes and structures,and henceforth,there bloomed forth the whole creation It can be said that everything is a solidified vibration.Even our bodies and minds are different types of intensified vibration-forms.
Through at the surface level,the human body appears to be composed of solid matter,which can be easily disintegrated into cells,molecules, and by quantum physics,every atomic particles is more than 99.9999% empty,consisting of nothing but a void,a space.Its is in and through this space that vibration-energy flows at lighted at lightning speed.
Every atom owns its unique vibration-energy,which in fact is a coded set of instruction-energy,which in fact is a coded set of instructions for its functioning and development.Accordingly,the vibration-energy for an oxygen atom is different from that of a carbon atom.Thus,in addition to their substantial atomic or molecular forms depicted as a by their chemical compositions or formulas,every atom or molecule of an element can also be depicted as a unique bundle of vibrations.On the same ground,each cell in the human body possesses its unique code of vibrations depicting its properties as well as functions.That's why function performed by a brain cell differs from that of a heart cell,which further differs from a lung cell,and so an.Accordingly,the body cells in different organs are involved in their respective functions.for instance,those in lungs are busy in carrying out the inhalation and exhalation of breathing process;those in heart,in pumping the blood;those in kidney,in filtering the waste products etc etc.
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